Tuesday, 7 February 2012

How to upgrade Firmware to Extreme

Here  is the step to upgrade extreme xos image. Extreme switch is rarely used in enterprise network. Now some techinical engineer know only how to handle and configure the commands on it. By reading the steps on my blog, reader will easily learn how to upgrade firmware image on extreme within 5 minutes. 

There are two partition in extreme switch in order to store extreme xos firmware image file. Before  upgrading firmware image, you have to make sure the firmware image file will be downloaded into primary partition or secondary partition. I prefer to download secondary partition first and then set secondary partition as boot image. So we don't need to worry for crashing downloaded process of new image. If something is wrong with downloaded new image, we still have primary partition which is already running with previous firmware image .
1. Download image to secondary partition
# download image summitX- vr "VR-Default" secondary

2. Set secondary partition as boot image
# use image secondary


3. Reboot extreme switch to restart with new installed firmware
# reboot

4.Verify the firmware version by using show version

 Enjoy learning. Hope all reader enjoy my technical writting.

How to upgrade BootRoom and Firmware on H3C S5500

Today i introduce how to upgrade bootroom image and software image on H3c S5500 switch.

After restarting switch, we have to go into bootmenu to download latest bootroom image in order to compatible with latest software image.

Step1: Press Ctrl + B to login to boot menu of h3C. we can see below choice as picture and select number 6. 

Step 2: Choose selection 1 again as below picture in order to update software from TFTP server. 

Step 3: Fill up the required tftp server information and file information as below:  

Step 4: Reboot the switch and then choose again the option called “1. Download application to flash on bootroom page”  

Repeat the same process of  Step 1,2 and 3 in order to finish firmware upgare image file xxx.bin.

Enjoy learning.